The Knights of Columbus from Holy Trinity Council 9967
Nativity Scene setup 2024.
The Knights of Columbus from Holy Trinity Council 9967 in action.
Coats for Kids 2024 &
Sleep in Heavenly Peace Bed Build.
Being a Knight = making a real difference in your community.
The Knights of Columbus from Holy Trinity Council 9967 and Catholic Daughters of the Americas (CDA) Court #2661 joined together to host a BBQ for the ASA Seminarians at St. John’s Hall. Bishop Gary opened with prayer and welcomed everyone. Sharon Menezes and Sister Ana were instrumental in making this event a success!
Holy Trinity’s First Exemplification of the new fraternal year. Congratulations to our new Knights.
Welcome Brothers!
Holy Trinity Knights of Columbus Council 9967 prepares lunch for retired clergy at Padua Place Retirement Home!